7 Aug 2005

Review by Rafa Dorado (Margen magazine)

"Un album lleno de sorpresas estilisticas y momentos musicales majestuosos" 

En su nuevo álbum el proyecto español Psicodreamics nos transporta a otra dimensión del sonido. Es la historia de la pasión de Azhdark, un demonio que vive en el mundo inferior y que cuando se pone el sol sube a la superficie para atormentar a los mortales. Un viaje multimedia entre música, imágenes y poesía donde la música electrónica se humaniza de una gran manera neoclásico y sinfónico. Con este CD, el compositor y músico desde Valencia se zambulle en el mundo de los sueños y los mitos. Siguiendo los pasos de Olfield, Vangelis, Gleisberg y Boddy, Azhdark Passion es un maravilloso álbum lleno de sorpresas estilisticas y momentos musicales majestuosos

6 Aug 2005

Reseña por Prudencio Serrano (Escritor y fan de Psicodreamics)

"te adentrarás en un viaje del que no querrás volver jamás" 

¡Cierra los ojos y da rienda suelta a tu imaginación!. Con este nuevo trabajo, Salva Moreno nos vuelve a sorprender trasladándonos a un mundo lleno de fantasía. En este nuevo disco, se entremezclan los sueños y la realidad ...

1 Aug 2005

Review by Bill Binkelman (Wind and Wire e-zine)

"Azhdark Passion is his best recording to date and shows his developing maturity and sophistication without losing his unique vision of music suffused with passion and feeling" 

Salva Moreno, a Spanish artist who records under the pseudonym Psciodreamics, really loves to paint his soundscapes on broad lush romantic canvases, using an assortment of neo-classical, new age, and subtle EM musical "colors." ...

Review by Marc S. Tucker - Progression Magazine (#47 issue)

"Azhdark Passion delivers weighty but delicate positivistic music, stunningly performed by just one young musician with an intelligence that will completely shame many established figures" 

The cover shouts "amateur", the name whispers "fanboy", both bid you to pass on. Don't fall for it. Psicodreamics is Salva Moreno, an extraordinarily gifted keyboardist and composer with a knack for arrangement that will shock the listener ...

Review by John P. Olsen (newagemusicworld.com)

"Psicodreamics beautiful array of mysterious albums make a great contradiction in sound and effect, becoming like a roller coaster ride of sensations"

Salva Moreno of Psicodreamics is the predominate musician widely recognized in Continental Europe, the U.K. and overseas markets, where his unique form of fantasy and mythology inspired discography easily creates a magical divide from many New Age artists. Valencia Spain is where Salva takes the stage to portray his principal role as Psicodreamics master of ceremonies, and into the hypnotic realm of the dark unknown. He exploits this select style of fantasy music cloaked in an intriguing shroud of mystery every time, as if he were a music magician pulling another album out of a black hat ...

Review by Paul Jury (Morpheus Music)

"Azhdark Passion will appeal to new-age fans that enjoy the down tempo end of such artists as Amethystium or Ryan Farish"

Style: New age instrumentals with strong melodic content. This is an album with a strong cinematic approach with gently dramatic, sometimes sweeping compositions where often there is only a subtle beat. Psicodreamics employs plenty of choral synth voices, chimes and simulated pizzicato/harp effects to build lullaby tunes for imaginary worlds, dreamy themes for sunset myths and legends. I could easily imagine this music as the soundtrack to a fantasy production ...

Review by Javier Bedoya (Lost Frontier e-zine)

"Música resplandeciente en el reino de la oscuridad" 

Con Eternal Angel Psicodreamics nos había descubierto un mundo rico en imágenes destiladas desde la sutileza de sus ambientes electrónicos. En AzhDark Passion su música se torna más romántica, más melódica, más "new age", tal vez porque la temática de este nuevo álbum del valenciano esté inspirada en el libro fantástico 'Night's Master' de Tanith Lee y describe las fechorías de Azhrarn, el príncipe de los demonios, que vivía en el mundo inferior y salía a la superficie al anochecer para atormentar a los mortales ...

Review by Paul Rijkens (Dutch progressive rockmagazine iO Pages)

"Could have been a little less sweet and romantic" 

Behind this intriguing name hides the Spanish keyboardplayer Salva Moreno. He creates a melodic form of electronic music in which fine synthesizersounds and a lot of solos (amongst others on piano) are the central ingredients. If I hear the titletrack I have the feeling a little that I have landed in the eighties, especially in case of rhythm. By the way, romance has an important place on this album ...

Review by Jacob Bogedahl (Gothic Paradise e-zine)

"Psicodreamics is one that has managed to cross genre lines and present something that many ethereal and dark ambient fans can enjoy" 

Continuing my reviews of much of the discography from this artist we come to this album originally released in 2004. This disc sees the artist at a highlight of his career exploring more haunting moods through new age music. Again we have a dozen tracks that explore the caressing sounds and moods including a special bonus with Priscilla Hernandez as guest vocalist and lyricist on the finale to the album. The somewhat unique or hallmark sound on this disc is the more upbeat style that is present, not to be mistaken for any kind of instrumental synthpop, but rather an upbeat ambient sound with percussion throughout most tracks ...

Review by CD-Services (UK)

"dreamy orchestral synthesizer music with both a distinctly optimistic haunting quality and an uplifting melodic strength" 

If you wanted to describe this as a phrase, you'd have to say "dreamy orchestral synthesizer music with both a distinctly optimistic haunting quality and an uplifting melodic strength". A single musician who's clearly influenced by the likes of Vangelis, Mike Oldfield and Enya, and one who's clearly got the compositional gift of being able to create instrumental music that is richly textured and full of lush-sounding, symphonic synths that can be relaxed at one end or positively epic sounding at the other ...

Reseña por Jorge Sergio (Articmist e-zine)

"si quieres soñar, Azhdark Passion en un buen motivo para conseguirlo"

Salva Moreno nos vuelve a demostrar que en España también hay un movimiento de nueva música electrónica en lo que a su concepto clásico se refiere. Aquí tambien (aunque escondida) hay una masa de público expectante, que espera nuevas ideas que no se basen en el comercialismo puro y duro. Por eso, los esfuerzos de músicos que son completamente responsables de su trabajo y que dirigen su rumbo musical han de valorarse de forma especial. Desde Valencia, Psicodreamics nos ofrece La Pasión de Azhdark, un disco casi conceptual, basado en un libro de fantasía (la literatura de estilo fantástico inspira también las ideas musicales de Psicodreamics), de la escritora Tanith Lee y titulado El Señor de la Noche ...

Review by Hector Jordan (Amazing Sounds)

"Highly reccommended to those who seek something more on the line of current New Instrumental Music"

Psicodreamics offers in this album a collection of romantic melodic compositions that confirm it in his position as a highly talented composer. The artist offers us his mastery at creating a work full of beauty and mystery, with themes that in some occasions tend to be of a melodic romanticism, while in other instances they have an enigmatic, or even a dark air ...